5 Favorite Fall Wreaths

In honor of Fall officially starting, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite wreaths that I’ve found on my go to site Etsy. Fall wreaths are the perfect decoration to welcome your friends and family.  Living in Florida, we might not feel a big change in the weather but that doesn’t stop us from fall decorating!

So here are my top 5 Fall Wreaths……. I think there should be a perfect wreath for everyone.  Who knows, you might want to try your hand in wreath making!

ws wreath_thumb




via Etsy

via Etsy

Let me know which one is your favorite.  Happy Fall Y’all!



Game Day!!!

Are y’all familiar with fall Saturdays in the south? Football, all day tailgates, family, friends….. and GAME DAY OUTFITS! I just don’t think my northern friends quite get importance of college football Saturdays.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of NFL Sundays too….. but there is just something about southerners and college football.  I could go on and on about all the wonderful traditions of tailgating and game day traditions but what I really want to focus on is the phenomenon of the perfect game day outfit.



My daughter’s parents weekend is coming up so I’ve been scouring Pinterest for my game day outfit.  I can’t believe all the choices out there.  There are so many creative people out there hand crafting the perfect game day accessories. You might think dressing up is only for the college kids but I am here to tell you it’s not. There are so many options….. scarves, hats, jewelry, dresses, and the list goes on and on…… So whether you’re a sorority girl, alumni, proud parent or casual fan make sure you represent your team and wear your school colors with pride and style :).


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Which game day outfit is your favorite?

xoxo Heather

Happy 29th Birthday to Me …Again

So it’s my birthday tomorrow and I just assume skip it. What is it about growing older or approaching the dreaded middle aged label that I despise???

For me, I was always the youngest in my circle since I was 20. I was the youngest mom in my kid’s class. The youngest mom on the PTO or Soccer Board. I owned a house at 23 and had 2 kids. I was the “young one”. My friends would joke about if I was ever going to turn 30 and then the unimaginable 40. And then, when I turned 40, I was no longer the young one. There were no more jokes about was I ever going to finally hit those milestone birthdays. I was just like everyone else now. Because once you hit 40, you’re middle aged. It doesn’t matter if your 41 or 51….it’s all the same.

So is being middle aged such a bad thing? Of course not. I’m thankful for everything I have and my accomplishments up to this point. At 40 something, I take better care of myself then I did when I was younger. I have 3 wonderful kids, awesome friends, and a job I look forward to going to everyday.  But, I’m still afraid of getting older.  My bucket list seems to grow on a daily basis and I know time is clicking ……..I don’t want time to run out before I can do everything I want to do in this life.

So what’s a girl to do? Do I feel 40 something ?…..nope. Do I look 40 something ?…..I don’t think so (I was blessed to have a baby face). Do I act 40 something….most definitely not. So this birthday, I will celebrate my 29th birthday again, because at this point I’m still not ready to be 40 something.




xoxo Heather

Soccer Mom Style

I have been a soccer mom for 10+ years now, and the one thing I’ve noticed is the time has come for us to update our Saturday morning wardrobe!  Now, I’m not saying we can pull off (or even want to) Heidi or Victoria’s look but we can make a better effort.



But your average soccer mom could wear one of these with no problem.

via pinterest
          #1 via Pinterest
via pinterst
                #2 via Pinterest
via polyvore
           #3 via Polyvore
via Pinterest
          #4 via Pinterest
via Pinterest
                  #5 via Pinterest

How cute and simple are these outfits?  They are super easy and anyone can pull them off. I think I’m finally going to break down and order a pair of red Hunter boots tonight.  Which outfit would you like to wear?

xoxo Heather

Summertime is for Porches

Coastal Living
Southern Living
Traditional Home
Southern Living
Coastal Living
Southern Living

Whether you are selling your home or not, it’s time to spruce up that porch for summer. Porches are often overlooked, but if you are fortunate to have one make the most of your outdoor space. With a few simple steps, your porch can become an extension of the rest of your home.

1. Clean the porch thoroughly with a pressure washer.

2. Freshen up furniture with paint and/or colorful cushions and pillows. Don’t be afraid to mix and match color and styles of furniture. It doesn’t have to be matchy matchy!

3. Lay down a cotton or outdoor rug.

4. Plant a few flowers in containers for color.

5. Treat the porch like an indoor room. Hang decorative objects on the wall such as ironwork or metal. Place a lamp on a side table or use a standing fixture.

6. Pour a glass of lemonade and relax with a good book. Enjoy!

Dining Room Inspiration

I want a pretty dining room. I would like it to be light, airy, casual yet elegant, and inviting. I’ve collected some photos overtime and have picked the ones I like the best. As you can tell, I’m drawn to neutrals and I really favor slipcover chairs.

Southern Living

House and Home

Decor Pad

Paul Whicheloe

5 Steps to Prepare Your for Sale

As a home stager, I’m often asked what should be the first thing one should do before they put their home up for sale. Of course, my first answer is always – hire me to come in and stage, but if that’s not the case, I have compiled a list of the 5 most important steps to do before you put your home up for sale.

Top 5

1. Curb Appeal – If people don’t like what they see on the outside they won’t want to see what is on the inside.

2. Start Packing Early – Think of it as getting a headstart on your move.

3. Lighten and Brighten– Lighter spaces appear larger and more airy.

4. Clean, Clean, Clean – Think toothbrush!

5. Set the Stage – Now that all the hard work is done, it’s time for the fluff.

Remember it typically costs around $100 for a home stager to come in and give you recommendations to highlight your homes positive feature and downplay it’s negatives!